Fortran support in Code::Blocks

From Code::Blocks

Presently Code::Blocks IDE has support not only for C/C++ but for Fortran also. Features of Code::Blocks useful for Fortran:

  • Editor with syntax highlighting for fixed and free Fortran source code
  • Support for GFortran and PGI Fortran compilers. Other Fortran compilers can be added by users too. “Support for compiler” means: (a) the graphical interface for the options of the compiler and (b) catching of compilation errors and warnings and jumping to the corresponding code line
  • During the compilation Code::Blocks cares about the dependencies between Fortran files in the project (it is important when Fortran modules are used)
  • Symbol browser with program units and variables defined in Fortran files
  • Code-completion
  • Call-tips
  • and some more.

Most of the functionality useful for Fortran is implemented through FortranProject plugin. More information about the use of Code::Blocks with Fortran can be found here here.

Using gfortran instead of g77

The preceding steps can also be used to set up Code::Blocks to use the GNU gfortran Fortran '95 compiler, albeit with the following changes:

  • Setup the compiler as follows:

1.) The "Compiler's installation directory" should point to the location of the root directory of the gfortran installation, for example if gfortran.exe is located in C:\gfortran\bin the path should read "C:\gfortran" (minus quotes).

2.) Under the "Programs" tab, select "gfortran.exe" as both the C compiler and the linker for dynamic libs instead of "g77.exe"

3.) DO NOT add the linker commands as given previously; leave these fields blank.

  • Adding new Fortran file type

Proceed as above, but add "*.f95" as a file type instead of "*.f77".

Follow the rest of the steps above and gfortran should work.

See also