KeyMacs plugin

From Code::Blocks
Revision as of 16:52, 15 January 2007 by Pecan (talk | contribs)
Developer(s): Pecan
Maintainer(s): Pecan
Version: 0.2

KeyMacs (or Keyboard Macros) plugin enables Recording, Playback, and editing of keystroke macros.

What is KeyMacs?

KeyMacs is a Code::Blocks plugin providing the user an ability to group sequences of keystokes as a macro (KeyMac). The KeyMac can be executed by either the main Plugin menu, a menu command key, or the context menu.

   The KeyMac "{END}{ENTER}//{TAB 2}", for example, will move the cursor to
   the end of the current line, start a new line, enter the C++ comment sequence
   and two tabs.
   The KeyMacs can be created in the KeyMac editor or the Record Macro menu.
   The editor can be accessed via MainMenu => Plugins => KeyMacs => EditMacros.
   Within the editor, click the New button. A new empty "Untitled" macro is created.
   Click on "Untitled" and rename it, for example, MyMac. Hit enter to confirm
   the rename.
   {END}{ENTER}//{TAB 2}
   Enter the above keymac into the right hand text window .
   Click within the "Menued Macro" check box to cause KeyMacs to add MyMac as an
   entry on the Plugins=>KeyMacs=>submenu.
   Within the Command Key edit box, enter the keystrokes "Ctrl-Alt-M". These are
   the command (hot) keys that will be placed on the menu entry for MyMac. This
   key sequence should be unique, not conficting with any other menu key sequence
   used in the Code::Blocks menu system.
   Click on OK to accept the KeyMac definition.
   You will now see a MyMac menu entry at the bottom of the Menu=>Plugins=>KeyMacs
   menu panel with the command keys Ctrl-Alt-M.
   Either clicking on the MyMac menu item, invoking it with the command keys,
   or choosing it from the KeyMacros context menu should produce "//      "
   as a new comment line in your edit window.
   Recording and playback
   KeyMac contain a "Record Macro" facility that stores each keystroke for
   later use by the "Play Macro" menu item.
   When played back at least once, the keystrokes are stored in the KeyMacs
   Editor by the label "Scratch".
   The Scratch macro is over written on each playback. If you wish to save
   it, you must use the KeyMacs editor to rename "Scratch" to something else.
   Recorded keymacs must be edited for accuracy. They may contain suprious,
   unwanted keystrokes. A '{' brace recored in the macro, for example, cannot be
   played back accurately until it's surrounded by braces "{{}".
   "!", "^", "+", cannot be played back as characters until they too are
   surrounded by braces; else they play back as the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift
   prefix for any key that follow them. Eg., "^c" is not the characters '^' and
   'c', but the copy operation Ctrl-C. The character sequence must appear as
   Named Key Symbols
   At the bottom of the KeyMacs editor is a list of key symbols (KeySyms) which
   represent functions performed for the user by KeyMacs. For example, {ENTER}
   emulates the user depressing then releasing the Enter key.
   Other KeySyms, like {ALTDOWN}, depress the Alt keys but do not release them
   until an opposite KeySym, like {ALTUP}, appears in the key macro stream.
   These "paired" KeySyms can cause havoc if not entered as matching pairs.
   Eg., {CTRLDOWN}{RIGHT}{RIGHT}{CTRLUP} moves two words to the right.
   KeySyms which cause movement may contain a numeric parameter. Eg, {RIGHT 4}
   will move the cursor 4 positions to the right.
   {WAIT 5} will pause for 5 milliseconds.
   {ASC 0191} will enter the char represented by ascii 191 into the editor.
   {ASC} is not available for *nix since XWindows does not support it.
   Special keys
   !, ^, +, represent the keystrokes Alt, Ctrl, and Shift respectively.
   They provide a modifier for the character key that follows it. When KeyMacs
   sees a "!c", it interprets it as an Alt-c; a "+v" as a Shift-v; a "^t" as a
   Ctrl-t. KeyMacs depresses the modifier key, depresses the char key, releases
   the char key, then releases the modifier key.
   The brace set '{' and  '}' are used to deliniate KeySyms. To use them as
   characters in a macro, they must be surrounded by braces themselves. Ie.,
   {{} and {}} correctly represent the left and right brace as characters.
   Quirks & restrictions.
   Key macros must begin execution from within an editor window. Once invoked
   from within an editor, macro keys may be injected into other windows, such as
   the find dialog. The sequence "^fPecan{ENTER}" would invoke the find dialog,
   insert the chars "Pecan" into the find text control, then execute the find by
   depressing and releasing the enter key.
   Macros not checked as "Menued Macro" in the KeyMacs editor simply remain in
   the databse for future reference. They can, of course, be deleted.
   The macro database resides in the users home directory as cbKeyMacs.ini. The
   first section contains the macro definition. The second section specifies
   weither the macro is "menued" or not.
   KeyMacs can execute other KeyMacs via their menu command key. Be careful.
   This can cause and infinte loop if two macros invoke one another. To avoid
   this, a KeyMac that invokes another KeyMac should itself have no command keys.
   A Keymac that is invoked by another KeyMac may execute asynchronously. Invoked
   KeyMacs do not return to the invoking Keymac The invoking KeyMac cannot wait
   for the invoked KeyMac. Most likely, the invoked KeyMac is queued up behind
   the invoking KeyMac, but it might also start its own thread.
   The context {MENU} keysym opens on my Windows XP2 system at coordinates (0,0).
   I've found no way to change this annoying behavior.
   KeyMacs injects keys into the focused window keyboard buffer. It attempts to
   start the KeyMac within the window that invoked the menu. But if you're running
   a "focus follows mouse" system, the mouse may change the window focus during
   the execution of a KeyMac causing keys to input into the wrong window.
   Be careful of the mouse pointer location during invocations of the context menu.
   On *nix. I have not yet succeeded in moving the mouse pointer back into the
   window owning the KeyMac when the mouse ends outside the owning window.
   How do I install it?
   Compile KeyMacs for MSWindows with KeyMacs.cbp.
   Compile KeyMacs for *nix with KeyMacs(unix).cbp.
   KeySym definitions
   ^, !, + are key modifiers representing CTRL, ALT,SHIFT
   {ALT UP|DOWN} - Program menu invocation
   {BACKSPACE} or {BS}
   {ESC} or {ESCAPE}
   {F1} {F2} {F3} {F4} {F5} {F6} {F7} {F8} {F9} {F10} {F11} {F12}
   {INS} or {INSERT}
   {PGDN} {PGUP}
   {MENU} - context menu
   {LALT} {RALT}
   {ASC 0nnn}
   Example KeyMacs
   Use cmd key Ctrl-Enter to create a new indented line.
   Use Ctrl-P to enter the C++ pointer sequence (saving alot of mistypes)
   Use Alt-Ctrl-C to enter the C++ comment sequence
   Use Alt-Ctrl-B to enter a new set of formated braces
   "{END}{ENTER}{{}{ENTER 2}{HOME}{}}{UP}{TAB}"