Difference between revisions of "Wizard Scripting Commands"

From Code::Blocks
Line 494: Line 494:
== File path page ==
== File path page ==
=== GetFilename() ===
=== GetFilename() ===
|2=file name (wxString)  
|2=file name (wxString)  
=== GetFileHeaderGuard() ===
=== GetFileHeaderGuard() ===
=== GetFileAddToProject() ===
=== GetFileAddToProject() ===
|2= (bool)  
|2= (bool)  
=== GetFileTargetIndex() ===
=== GetFileTargetIndex() ===
|2= (int)  
|2= (int)  
Line 516: Line 516:
|4= const wxString&
|4= const wxString&
Example : Wizard.SetFilePathSelectionFilter(_T("C++ files (*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc)|*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc"));
Example : Wizard.SetFilePathSelectionFilter(_T("C++ files (*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc)|*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc"));
= Functions of the script 'common_functions.script' =
= Functions of the script 'common_functions.script' =

Revision as of 13:17, 12 February 2013

In this page, all the wizards-related script commands are listed and explained.

Before we start, remember that in every wizard script there is a global variable defined named Wizard. This is the object that all the following commands are known under.

Global variables and basic primitive functions


The first thing to know is that each wizard script contains

Global variables

ObjectName <- _T("name") 
ObjectIndex <- 0 

Basic primitive functions

  • Common and mandatory for all types of project :

which contains different entry pages, see Adding wizard pages

void BeginWizard ()

  • For a project :
    • to get the template files in a project
wxString GetFilesDir ()
    • to get generated files in a project
wxString GetGeneratedFile(index)
    • to create project
bool SetupProject (project)

  • For a single target (within a project)
bool SetupTarget (target, IsDebug)

  • For file creation
wxString CreateFiles ()

  • For an item to be defined by the user
bool SetupCustom ()

These functions will be performed by the manager wizard.

Adding wizard pages

The script writer creates a wizard by adding various pre-defined and/or custom pages to the wizard object. The order the pages are added define the order in which they will appear (almost).

The script has the chance to interfere with the wizards operation any time the user presses "Next" or "Back" on the wizard dialog. For more on this, please read Wizard Page Events.

NOTE: The following commands only make sense inside the BeginWizard() script function.


Add an informational page. It contains an informational text. It also contains a checkbox labelled "Skip".

Usually used for the first page to be displayed by the wizard and it explains in a few words what this wizard will do.

Intro panel.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
pageId wxString The page's ID.
info_msg wxString The info text


Add a page that allows for the selection of a file. This file might not exist. Usually used by wizards of type wizFiles for the selection of the output files.

It also contains a header guard text box which can be visible or not. Usually used when the file in question is a C/C++ header, in which case you might want to allow the user to customize the header guard word. Note that if this is visible it is also auto-updated to match the selected filename. The auto-update takes the filename part (no path), capitalizes it and replaces any non-character or non-digit to an underscore.

File path panel.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
showHeaderGuard bool If true, a header guard text box will be visible


Add a page that allows the user to customize the new project. Usually used by wizards of type wizProject.

This page contains text boxes to set the project title, filename and base directory.

Project path panel.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
- - -

AddCompilerPage(compilerID, validCompilerIDs, allowCompilerChange, allowConfigChange)

Perhaps the most used pre-defined wizard page. It contains a compiler selection list and a couple of well-known pre-defined build targets: Debug and Release.

The compilers' list can contain all supported compilers or a script-defined list. It can also be selected whether compiler selection will be enabled or not.

Finally, the build targets related settings can be either visible or not. If they 're visible, they allow the user to customize per-target the target's name, working directory and objects output (intermediate) directory.

Compiler panel.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
compilerID wxString The preselected compiler ID for the list. If this string is empty, the globally default compiler will be selected.
validCompilerIDs wxString A semicolon separated list of valid compiler IDs to include in the list. If you want all available compilers to be listed, use _T("*"). If you want only GCC-based or MSVC-based compilers to appear in the list, use _T("gcc*;msv*").
allowCompilerChange bool If true, the user will be able to change the compiler selection. If false, the selection will be read-only.
allowConfigChange bool If true, the settings for the two pre-defined build targets (Debug/Release) will be shown and available for the user to customize. If false, they will not be visible.

AddBuildTargetPage(targetName, isDebug, showCompiler, compilerID, validCompilerIDs, allowCompilerChange)

Adds a page for creating a new build target. This page allows the user to enter a name for the new build target, set its working directory, set its objects output (intermediate) directory and, optionally, a compiler selection list.

It also contains a checkbox to denote whether this target should have debugging symbols enabled or not.

The compilers' list can contain all supported compilers or a script-defined list. It can also be selected whether compiler selection will be enabled or not.

Build target panel.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
targetName wxString The new target's name.
isDebug bool If true, the "Enable debugging symbols" check box will be checked.
showCompiler bool If true, the compiler selection list will be visible.
compilerID wxString The preselected compiler ID for the list. If this string is empty, the globally default compiler will be selected.
validCompilerIDs wxString A semicolon separated list of valid compiler IDs to include in the list. If you want all available compilers to be listed, use _T("*"). If you want only GCC-based or MSVC-based compilers to appear in the list, use _T("gcc*;msv*").
allowCompilerChange bool If true, the user will be able to change the compiler selection. If false, the selection will be read-only.

AddGenericSingleChoiceListPage(pageId, descr, choices, defChoice)

Adds a page that contains a script-defined list and the user can select one single value from it.

Generic single choice list.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
pageId wxString The page's ID.
descr wxString The description displayed at the top of the page.
choices wxString Semicolon separated list of the available selections.
defChoice int The pre-selected choice. This is used only the first time this page is displayed. The user's selection is stored in the Code::Blocks configuration file and remembered for subsequent uses of this page.

AddGenericSelectPathPage(pageId, descr, label, defValue)

Adds a page that allows the user to select a folder from the filesystem.

Generic select path.png

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
pageId wxString The page's ID.
descr wxString The description displayed at the top of the page.
label wxString The label above the text box (e.g. "Location of Foo:").
defValue wxString The pre-selected path. This is used only the first time this page is displayed. The user's selection is stored in the Code::Blocks configuration file and remembered for subsequent uses of this page.


Adds a custom page from XRC resource.

The wizard allows the script to add custom pages from XRC. Each such page must actually be a wxPanel inside the XRC. This wxPanel's name is then used as the pageID parameter. Note that all custom page panels are placed in wizard.xrc.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
pageId wxString The page's ID. This must match the wxPanel's name in the XRC resource.

Operating on GUI controls

The wizard allows scripts to operate on the controls currently visible (i.e. on the current page the user is viewing). By "operate on" I mean get and set their values. This is especially useful for custom XRC pages (else what would they be good for?) and a couple of the pre-defined pages.

In this section, the script commands that allows the script to operate on page controls are explained by control type.

Text controls (wxTextCtrl)

SetTextControlValue(control_name, value)

Sets the value of the text control identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name
value wxString The new value


Gets the value of the text control identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's current value (wxString).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name

Checkbox controls (wxCheckBox)

CheckCheckbox(control_name, value)

Checks or unchecks the checkbox identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name
value bool Check if true, uncheck if false


Gets the check-state of the checkbox identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's current check-state (bool).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name

Combobox controls (wxComboBox)

SetComboboxSelection(control_name, value)

Sets the selected item in the combobox identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name
value int The item's index. Use -1 for no selection


Gets the selected item in the combobox identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's currently selected index (int).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name


Gets the selected item's string in the combobox identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's currently selected item's string (wxString).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name


Assuming you have used FillComboboxWithCompilers() (below) to fill the combobox, this returns the selected compiler's ID.

Returns: The control's currently selected item's string (wxString).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name


Fills the combobox with a list of compilers.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name

Radiobox controls (wxRadioBox)

SetRadioboxSelection(control_name, value)

Sets the selected item in the radiobox identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name
value int The item's index. Use -1 for no selection


Gets the selected item in the radiobox identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's currently selected index (int).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name

Listbox controls (wxListBox)

SetListboxSelection(control_name, value)

Sets the selected item in the listbox identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name
value int The item's index. Use -1 for no selection


Gets the selected item in the listbox identified by control_name.

Returns: The control's currently selected index (int).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name


Gets the selected items in the listbox identified by control_name to a wxString. The selections are separated ';' and returned as a single string. Use GetArrayFromString() functions to separate them. Please note that the ListBox should be created with wxLB_MULTIPLE or wxLB_EXTENDED window style.

Returns: The control's selections (wxString).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name


Gets the content strings of the selected items in the listbox identified by control_name to a wxString. The selections are separated ';' and returned as a single string. Use GetArrayFromString() functions to separate them. Please note that the ListBox should be created with wxLB_MULTIPLE or wxLB_EXTENDED window style.

Returns: The control's selections (wxString).

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The control's name

All controls (common functions)

EnableWindow(control_name, value)

Enables/disables the window (control) identified by control_name.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
control_name wxString The window's (control) name
value bool Enable if true, disable if false

Common operations


Get various common info

In this section here are the commands associated with the Wizard.


Returns: return wizard type (enum TemplateOutputType)

See Constants : enum TemplateOutputType


Returns: returns the full path name of the template file (wxString)

Parameter Type Description
filename const wxString& the file name

Project path page


Returns: project path (wxString)


Returns: project name (wxString)


Returns: project full filename (wxString)


Returns: project title (wxString)

Compiler page


Returns: compiler identification (wxString)

See Compiler : Internal name

Debug target


Returns: (bool)


Returns: target name (wxString)


Returns: output directory (wxString)


Returns: object output directory (wxString)

Release target


Returns: (bool)


Returns: release name (wxString)


Returns: output directory (wxString)


Returns: object output directory (wxString)

Build target page


Returns: compiler identification (wxString)

See Compiler : Internal name

GeTargetEnableDebug ()

Returns: (bool)


Returns: target name (wxString)


Returns: output directory (wxString)


Returns: object output directory (wxString)

File path page


Returns: file name (wxString)


Returns: (bool)


Returns: (bool)


Returns: (int)

SetFilePathSelectionFilter(const filter)

Returns: (void)

Parameter Type Description
filter const wxString& -

Example : Wizard.SetFilePathSelectionFilter(_T("C++ files (*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc)|*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc"));

Functions of the script 'common_functions.script'


This script contains functions more complex but easier to implement

location developing :


location in use :


WarningsOn(base, compilerID)

Valid compiler warnings according to the compilerID.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
base wxString project, target, custom
compilerID wxString see Compiler : Internal name

Example in a project :

WarningsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID())

DebugSymbolsOn(base, compilerID)

Valid compiler debug according to the compilerID.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
base wxString project, target, custom
compilerID wxString see Compiler : Internal name

Example in a project :

DebugSymbolsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID())

OptimizationsOn(base, compilerID)

Valid compiler optimization according to the compilerID.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
base wxString project, target, custom
compilerID wxString see Compiler : Internal name

Example in a project :

OptimizationsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID())

CppExceptionsOn(base, compilerID)

Valid compiler C++ Exceptions according to the compilerID.

Returns: Nothing.

Parameter Type Description
base wxString project, target, custom
compilerID wxString see Compiler : Internal name

Example in a project :

CppExceptionsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID())

(to be continued)

Mandrav 11:28, 9 July 2006 (EDT)