WxSmith extensions

From Code::Blocks
Revision as of 19:41, 14 October 2007 by Byo (talk | contribs) (→‎Tutorials)

Welcome to wxSmith extensions wiki page. This page conains few tutorials which show how to extend wxSmith's functionality. It does contain also set of extensions which are worked on now. If you would like to add some extra functionality to wxSmith and want to share with your results, please take look at wxSmith extensions list page. You can check there who is working on particular extensions and add your own info to prevent other developers from working on same feature as you.


we have prepared few tutorials which will show you how to add your own extensions to wxSmith. They describe parts of wxSmith essential to extensions support. They also show real examples on how to extend wxSmith.

Extensions list

On this page you can see the list of wxSmith extensions. It will contain extensions which are done, are worked on and which are not worker on yet. You will also find there informactions on how to add your code into main Code::Blocks source.