Installing Code::Blocks from source on FreeBSD

From Code::Blocks
Revision as of 21:53, 19 August 2005 by Supericeboy (talk | contribs)

At first we need to install gnu-make:

 pkg_add -r gmake

then wx-gtk:

 pkg_add -r wxgtk2-contrib

then dosunix wich converts files from dos to unix format:

 pkg_add -r dosunix

then zip wich is used by the update script:

 pkg_add -r zip

now download and extract codeblocks:

 tar xzf codeblocks-1.0-finalbeta.tar.gz
 cd codeblocks-1.0-RC1-1/src

now make it:

 gmake -f Makefile.unix
 dosunix update update.unix
 chmod +x update.unix

now run upated.unix:


now execute:

 cd output