Syntax highlighting custom colour themes
This page lists syntax highlighting custom colour themes contributed by Code::Blocks users.
Modnokai is a modified version of the Monokai theme for Textmate. Although it is technically a "dark theme", the only dark colours in it are the background and comments. All other colours are warm and vibrant.
Make sure Code::Blocks is NOT running. Import the colour set file modnokai.conf below (first posted in the [/index.php/topic,18094.msg123762.html#msg123762 forum]):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <CodeBlocksConfig version="1"> <editor> <colour_sets> <ACTIVE_COLOUR_SET> <str> <![CDATA[modnokai]]> </str> </ACTIVE_COLOUR_SET> <ACTIVE_LANG> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </ACTIVE_LANG> <default> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[default]]> </str> </NAME> </default> <modnokai> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[modnokai]]> </str> </NAME> <cc> <style0> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="39" g="40" b="34" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style0> <style1> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" /> </FORE> <BACK> <colour r="39" g="40" b="34" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Default]]> </str> </NAME> </style1> <style5> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style5> <style6> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style6> <style7> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style7> <style8> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style8> <style9> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style9> <style10> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]> </str> </NAME> </style10> <style11> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style11> <style12> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style12> <style13> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style13> <style14> <FORE> <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" /> </FORE> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style14> <style15> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="255" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style15> <style16> <FORE> <colour r="128" g="255" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style16> <style17> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="128" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style17> <style18> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="128" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]> </str> </NAME> </style18> <style19> <FORE> <colour r="255" g="128" b="128" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Number]]> </str> </NAME> </style19> <style21> <FORE> <colour r="38" g="249" b="173" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Keyword]]> </str> </NAME> </style21> <style23> <FORE> <colour r="249" g="38" b="114" /> </FORE> <BOLD bool="0" /> <ITALICS bool="1" /> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[User keyword]]> </str> </NAME> </style23> <style27> <FORE> <colour r="224" g="160" b="0" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style27> <style28> <FORE> <colour r="224" g="160" b="0" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[String]]> </str> </NAME> </style28> <style34> <FORE> <colour r="249" g="38" b="114" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Preprocessor]]> </str> </NAME> </style34> <style36> <FORE> <colour r="166" g="226" b="46" /> </FORE> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Operator]]> </str> </NAME> </style36> <style38> <BACK> <colour r="73" g="72" b="62" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Selection]]> </str> </NAME> </style38> <style39> <BACK> <colour r="62" g="61" b="50" /> </BACK> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[Active line]]> </str> </NAME> </style39> <editor> <keywords> <SET4> <str> <![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]> </str> </SET4> </keywords> </editor> <NAME> <str> <![CDATA[C/C++]]> </str> </NAME> </cc> </modnokai> </colour_sets> </editor> </CodeBlocksConfig>
into your configuration with CB Share Config. Run Code::Blocks, go to Settings, Editor..., Syntax highlighting, and pick Colour theme 'modnokai'. For best results, change the following settings as well:
- General settings/Editor settings/Font: change to the monospaced font of your choice (Consolas 12 works well on Windows);
- General settings/Editor settings/Other options/Highlight line under caret is enabled;
- Margins and caret/Caret/Style is Line, Width is 3, and Colour is red (R: 255, G: 0, B: 0).
Below is a screenshot of Code::Blocks 12.11 with Modnokai running on Windows XP.
Note: Always back up your current configuration file before importing a custom configuration file.