Source hierarchy

From Code::Blocks
Revision as of 05:35, 12 December 2011 by Beldaz (talk | contribs)

Top-level layout

The src folder within the SVN trunk directory [1] contains the following sub-directories:

base        - ?? source for exchndl.dll, and tinyxml source
build_tools - ?? tools used within build process such as for included SVN revision number (not sure about scrooge)
i18n        - i18n (internationalization) support files
include     - header files for libcodeblocks, these headers are used by the plugins and the main application
mime        - mime-type files, icons and other metadata
plugins     - source for C::B plugins
scripts     - squirrel script files and associated support files
sdk         - cpp files for libcodeblocks, also all the bundled libs have been put here (wxscintilla, wxpropgrid, scripting)
src         - header and cpp files for the main executable
templates   - files relating to templates for different types of files and projects within C::B
tools       - Code for programs other than C::B

Main Executable

The Codeblocks executable is built from src/src, but most of the functionality is contained within libcodeblocks built from src/sdk. The reason for this appears to be the need to avoid unresolved symbols in DLL files - a good explanation for the need for this can be found at [2]


  • All plugins go into the src/plugins folder.
  • Contrib and non-core plugins go into src/plugins/contrib/


Resources for writing scripts as found in src/scripts can be found in Scripting Code::Blocks


Related forum discussion [/index.php/topic,15657.msg105327.html]