BrowseTracker plugin
BrowseTracker Image:KeyMacIco.png Developer(s): Pecan Maintainer(s): Pecan
BrowseTracker is a small CodeBlocks plugin to browse back and forth to recently activated CodeBlocks editors.
It keeps a 20 slot history of recently activated editors.
It uses the Alt-Left and Alt-Right command keys to move through the editor stack in the order in which they were activated.
For convienence there is a menu item at the bottom of the CodeBlocks Main Menu/View that allows you to clear the history stack.
Updated for SVN 4067
The file above contains all source and .cbplugin files for both MSW and unix.
To install the plugin:
* Unzip the downloaded file. * Close all active CodeBlocks projects * Use the CodeBlocks installer at MainMenu/Plugins/Manage Plugins.../Install New * Navigate to the location you unzipped the file above. * Double click BrowseTracker.cbplugin for MSWindows * Double click libBrowseTracker.cbplugin for unix
You may have to restart CodeBlocks if there were pre-existing editors open during the install.