Custom compiler
From Code::Blocks
TODO Text about what custom compiler does.
Bison Example
For example enable Custom Compiler to generate a cpp file form a bison grammatic.
Given a bison file "myparser.ypp" in your source tree. Select properties, go to advanced tab, tick custom compiler and add the line "bison $file".
- Note if you use the supplied mingw binaries, you have to define BISON_SIMPLE=%CB%\share\bison.simple, BISON_HAIRY=%CB%\share\bison.hairy as environment variables. Otherwise you could install (Setup, without binaries has all required DLLs) and just add the "bin" directory to your System's PATH environment variable.
- BISON_SIMPLE, BISON_HAIRY information taken from;prev_next=prev.
- More a feature request than working example. It seems difficult to make Code::Blocks put the .cpp file into the source tree.
Compiler Parameters
- $compiler
- $linker
- $lib_linker
- $rescomp
- $options
- $link_options
- $includes
- $res_includes
- $libdirs
- $libs
- $file - current file being compiled
- $file_dir - Source file directory without file name and file name extension.
- file_name - Source file name without path info and file name extension.
- $exe_dir - Directory of executable without file name and file name extension.
- $exe_name - File name of executable without path and file name extension.
- $exe_ext - File name extension of executable without path and file name.
- $dep_object
- $object
- $resource_output
- $exe_output
- $exe_output
- $link_resobjects
- $link_objects
- $link_flat_objects
- $static_output
- $def_output
- MACROS - also all macros are applied to the commandline string
The following were added to support the QUICK HACK in compiler plugin: DirectCommands::GetTargetLinkCommands()
- $+link_objects
- $-link_objects
- $-+link_objects
- $+-link_objects
Implementation Details can be found here: