Installing the latest official version of Code::Blocks on Windows
From Code::Blocks
Revision as of 19:55, 25 August 2017 by Bluehazzard (talk | contribs) (Add a hint to nightly builds)
Install steps
- Download the Code::Blocks 16.01 installer. If you know you don't have MinGW installed, download the package which has MinGW bundled.
- Run the installer, it's a standard installer for Windows; just press Next after reading each screen.
- If you're planning installing a compiler after you've installed Code::Blocks, read the information provided in the installer.
- If you downloaded the installer which doesn't come with MinGW, you may have to configure the compiler manually (usually Code::Blocks' auto detects the compiler).
Since 16.01 is quire old, there is the possibility to use a nightly build from the [/index.php/board,20.0.html Forum]. This builds does not come bundled with a compiler!! You need to install a compiler by yourself. Before installing please read [/index.php/topic,3232.0.html this]