Installing Code::Blocks nightly build on Blag

From Code::Blocks

This is a stub, It needs updated, but it should help.

Manual Install

Binary packages are available for blag-70000 Linux which is based on Fedora Core 7 (FC7)

  1. Install wxGTK-devel 2.8.4 or higher.
  2. Install nightly build of Code::Blocks from the repository
  3. Install Needed Development Tools
  4. Install Optional Development Tools

Example use of YUM

The basic installation on blag-70000 (FC7) should be something along the lines:

First, find the package name:

yum list 'wxGTK*'

it should return: wxGTK wxGTK-devel wxGTK-gl

su -
yum install wxGTK

Second, find the package name:

yum list 'codeblocks*'

it should return: codeblocks, codeblocks-contrib, codeblocks-devel

su -
yum install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib

Third, find the package name:

yum list 'gcc*'

it should return: gcc gcc-c++ and several others

su -
yum install gcc gcc-c++
yum install subversion
yum install wxGTK-devel

Find the group name:

yum grouplist 'development*'
su - <password>
yum groupinstall "Developmemt Tools"
