Script plugins

From Code::Blocks

Script plugins are plugins that are written entirely in script. They are great for smaller-scale plugins or for quick prototyping. Their main practical difference compared to simple scripts is that a script plugin can add entries in context menus.

Let's look at a sample plugin (by coincidence, this is shipped with Code::Blocks):

// Script plugins must extend cbScriptPlugin

class TestPlugin extends cbScriptPlugin
    // mandatory to setup the plugin's info
    { = _T("TestPlugin");
        info.title = _T("Test script");
        info.version = _T("0.1a");
        info.license = _T("GPL");

    // optional to create menubar items
    function GetMenu()
        local entries = ::wxArrayString();
        entries.Add(_T("Project/7:-Export Makefile"), 1);
        return entries;

    // optional to create context menu entries
    function GetModuleMenu(who, data)
        local entries = ::wxArrayString();

        if (who == ::mtEditorManager)
            local f = wxFileName();
            f.Assign(data.GetFolder(), ::wxPATH_NATIVE);
            entries.Add(_T("Work with ") + f.GetFullName(), 1);

            entries.Add(_T("Sample entry"), 1);

        return entries;
    // optional to support ExecutePlugin(pluginNameString)
    function Execute()
        ::ShowMessage(_T("Ho-ho was here ;)"));
        return 0;
    // optional calback for menubar items clicking
    function OnMenuClicked(index)
        if (index == 0)
            ::ShowMessage(_T("Exporting Makefile..."));

    // optional calback for context menu items clicking
    function OnModuleMenuClicked(index)
        if (index == 0)
            ::ShowMessage(_T("Working with file"));
        else if (index == 1)
            ::ShowMessage(_T("Sample entry not working yet"));
            ::ShowMessage(_T("?!? Functionality not implemented yet"));

// this call actually registers the script plugin with Code::Blocks

// if you want to call this plugin's Execute() function, use this in a script:
// ExecutePlugin(_T("TestPlugin"));

As you can see it is well documented so it should be easy to grasp. The one thing that might strike you odd is the following line in GetMenu():

entries.Add(_T("Project/7:-Export Makefile"), 1);

What "7:-Export Makefile" does is explained in ScriptingManager's notes. In simple words it means "insert 'Export Makefile' menu item at position 7 of the 'Project' menu, prepending a separator line before the menu item".